Happy Parents | 快樂家長

  • Playgroup

    Sophia has been in the playgroup since she was one and a half. At the beginning, Sophia cried, however the teachers were very patient with her. We think that the playgroup is very systematic, the monthly themes are very practical and the teaching materials in the class are interesting. In the playgroup, the teachers taught the children the discipline of the classroom. Sophia is now in PN at school. Thank you very much. Kiddikraft teachers are passionate about education. — Cecilia - Mother of Sophia

    -Cecilia - Mother of Sophia

  • Playgroup

    “Amelia joined playgroup at 10 months old. Not only were her communication skills strengthened through a wide range of activities, but her confidence and independence were also developed. This resulted in a seamless transition into kindergarten.

    - Mrs. Lee

  • RWI Phonics

    My daughter has been studying in Kiddikraft for almost 3 years, starting from playgroup, and then RWI phonics. She enjoys every single moment. As parents, we appreciate the team giving the greatest effort to educate my child. Her English has been improving ever since. I highly recommend Kiddikraft to parents who want their kids to learn English happily and effectively.


  • Other Classes

    It gives me immense pleasure to mention that Kiddikraft interview class has been one of the most satisfying experiences filled with professional teaching method. The teacher was very confident and caring and the feedback notes were great. I believe this is one of the key successes of the KLC team. I definitely recommend for interview classes.

    - Hugo’s mum

  • Other Classes

    Amber started learning at Kiddikraft since she was 5. We find it hard to give her enough English exposure at home. In order to prepare for her primary school, I enrolled her in RWI and Cambridge at Kiddikraft. I chose Kiddikraft because of its recognized RWI program with qualified native English teachers. Now, she is able to read story books alone and to converse with teachers. She has gained confidence in learning English.

    - Mrs Lam

  • Other Classes

    My Twins Rosalyn and Isaac joined Kiddikraft since Kindergarten. They are now in Secondary two. They started from phonics and now they are in Level 4 writing a story! Even though they have a heavy workload from school, they still enjoy going to Kiddikraft for an extra English writing course! I am pleased to see my kids so into it!

    - Isabel

  • Other Classes

    I am so grateful to KiddiKraft for helping my daughter grow and improve all this time. With no doubt, I will recommend KiddiKraft to other parents as I truly believe children will benefit from the excellent and warm learning environment provided by KiddiKraft.

    - Mrs Fong

  • 學前遊戲預備班

    Sophia從一歲半起就加入了playgroup。最初Sophia經常哭,但是老師們對她很有耐心。我們覺得這個課程很有系統,每月的主題很實用,課上的教材很有趣。在遊戲小組中,老師們教孩子們課堂紀律。Sophia現在已經入讀 PN了,非常感謝你們。Kiddikraft 的老師都對教育充滿熱情。

    — Sophia 媽媽

  • 學前遊戲預備班

    Amelia 在 10 個月大時加入了playgroup。不僅通過廣泛的活動加強了她的溝通技巧,而且還培養了她的自信心和獨立性。這讓她能好好過渡到幼兒園。

    - 李太

  • 英文課程

    我女兒在 Kiddikraft 學習了將近 3 年,從playgroup開始,然後是 RWI 拼音班,她享受每一刻。作為父母,我們感謝為教育我的孩子付出最大努力的團隊。從那以後,她的英語一直在進步。我向希望孩子快樂並效地學習英語的父母強烈推薦 Kiddikraft。

    - Patricia

  • 寫作技巧班

    Melanie 在 Kiddikraft 學習了將近六年。 Kiddikraft 的課程結構合理且有趣,以至於 Melanie 迅速提高了各種技能,如撰寫報告、散文和詩歌,最重要的是對英語產生了強烈的熱情和信心。

    - 莫太

  • Other Classes

    提到 Kiddikraft ,面試課程是充滿專業並且最令人滿意的課程之一。老師非常自信和關懷,會提供反饋記錄。我相信這是 KLC 團隊成功關鍵之一。我絕對推薦面試課程。

    - Hugo 媽媽

  • Other Classes

    Amber 從 5 歲起就開始在 Kiddikraft 學習。我們發現很難在家裡給她足夠的英語知識。為了為她的小學做準備,我在 Kiddikraft 為她報名參加了 RWI 和劍橋英語課程。我之所以選擇 Kiddikraft,是因為它的 RWI 項目得到認可,擁有合格的母語英語教師。現在,她可以獨自閱讀故事書並與老師交談。她對學習英語有了信心。

    - 林太

  • Other Classes

    我的雙胞胎 Rosalyn 和 Isaac 從幼兒園開始就加入了 Kiddikraft,他們現在讀中二了。他們從拼音開始,現在已在第 4 級的寫作班寫故事!儘管他們學校的功課繁重,但他們仍然喜歡去 Kiddikraft 參與額外的英語寫作課程!我很高興看到我的孩子們如此投入!

    - Isabel

  • Other Classes

    我非常感謝 KiddiKraft 一直以來幫助我的女兒成長和進步。毫無疑問,我會向其他家長推薦 KiddiKraft,因為我堅信孩子們會從 KiddiKraft 提供的優秀而溫暖的學習環境中受益。

    - 方太