Imagine a world where learning is not confined to textbooks and classrooms.
Imagine a world where learning is not confined to textbooks and classrooms, but instead, takes place through joyful exploration and play. Welcome to (KLC) Kiddikraft Learning Centre, where we believe that play is not just a pastime for children, but a powerful tool for education and development.
When it comes to early childhood education, there is a growing recognition that play is not just a frivolous activity, but a fundamental part of a child's learning journey. At KLC (Kiddikraft Learning Centre), we embrace a play-based approach that nurtures children's natural curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
Do English learning centres actually help your child?
English learning centres can be beneficial for children in several ways. These centres often provide a structured and immersive environment for learning English, which can be advantageous for children who want to improve their language skills.
English learning centres typically have experienced and qualified teachers who specialise in teaching English as a second language. These teachers have expertise in designing curriculum and lesson plans that cater to the specific needs and proficiency levels of individual students. They can provide personalised attention and guidance to help children improve their grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and overall communication skills.
Welcome back to the world of education.
English Tutoring Hong Kong, Hong Kong English Classes, English Language Courses in Hong Kong, Learn English in Hong Kong, English Language Tutors in Hong Kong, IELTS Preparation Courses Hong Kong, TOEFL Classes in Hong Kong, English Speaking Courses Hong Kong, Hong Kong Phonics
Unleashing the Power of Creativity and Imagination through Storytelling
Storytelling acts as a gateway to creativity by providing a platform for individuals to express their unique ideas and perspectives. Through storytelling, we can explore different scenarios, create new characters, and construct intricate plotlines. By engaging in this creative process, we exercise our imaginative muscles, allowing us to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to real-life problems. Storytelling fuels our student’s creative fire and encourages them to push the boundaries of what is possible.
Common mistakes ESL students make in English
English Tutoring Hong Kong, Hong Kong English Classes, English Language Courses in Hong Kong, Learn English in Hong Kong, English Language Tutors in Hong Kong, IELTS Preparation Courses Hong Kong, TOEFL Classes in Hong Kong, English Speaking Courses Hong Kong, Hong Kong Phonics
Empowering Parents: Supporting English Language Learning
Parents play a pivotal role in a childs' educational journey, and one area where KLC (KiddiKraft Learning Centre) can make a significant impact is in English language learning. English proficiency opens doors to countless opportunities, and by actively participating in language development, we can help oue children build a strong foundation for success. Here we will explore some practical ways parents can support their children in their English language learning journey.
Mastering English Made Easy: Join KLC (KiddiKraft Learning Centre) and Speak Like a Native in No Time.
KiddiKraft English Learning Centre is dedicated to providing top-notch English language education in Hong Kong. With a focus on Phonics, the centre aims to lay a strong foundation for reading and writing skills in children.
What Makes KiddiKraft Special?
Phonics-Based Approach: Utilizing the proven method of Phonics, KiddiKraft helps children understand the relationship between letters and sounds, making reading and spelling more accessible.
Why learning phonics is so important
Learning phonics is important for several reasons. Firstly, phonics helps children develop strong reading and spelling skills. It teaches them how letter combinations represent sounds, helping them decode words and read fluently. Without phonics skills, reading can become challenging and frustrating.
Changing Schools (Local to ESF)
In the past couple of years, many parents have opted to move their children, for various reasons, from the local system into ESF (English Schools Foundation) or International Schools.
School interview preparation: How to ace them.
School interview preparation is so crucial for getting into the school of your choice! At Kiddikraft, we have the formula to get you fully prepared
**Powerful Strategies for Triumphing at the Hong Kong Speech Festival**
Prepping for the Hong Kong Speech Festival? Ensure your child has the strategies to stand out amongst a plethora of contestants. Kiddikraft, with 12 years under its belt, has honed techniques that transform beginners into speech maestros.
Mastering Phonics: The Key to Unleashing English Proficiency
As we move forward, our commitment to delivering top-notch phonics education remains unwavering. We continuously update our curriculum, incorporate feedback, and adopt the latest pedagogical strategies to ensure our learners receive the best. With a blend of traditional teaching methods and modern technology, we aim to set new benchmarks in phonics education.
Hong Kong Phonics: The Evolution of English Language Education in Hong Kong
Dive into our extensive guide on phonics education. Discover the methods, benefits, and unique strategies that make our approach stand out. Learn how our program can enhance language skills for all ages.
Prepping for the Hong Kong Speech Festival?
Prepping for the Hong Kong Speech Festival? Ensure your child has the strategies to stand out amongst a plethora of contestants. Kiddikraft, with 12 years under its belt, has honed techniques that transform beginners into speech maestros.
Covid- 19 & Learning
Kiddikraft Learning Centre (KLC) is an award-winning children’s English language education centre. Founded in 1997, KLC’s programmes and courses are highly effective in enhancing student performance in reading, writing and speaking. Our goal is to help strengthen English skills in order for children to excel in school and beyond. The love of learning starts here.
Kiddikraft學習中心 (KLC) 是屢獲殊榮的兒童英語教育中心。我們的課程在提高學生的閱讀、寫作和會話表現方面非常有效。我們的目標是幫助學生加強英語技能,讓孩子們在學校及其他地方取得優異成績。
Introduction to School Preparation Classes
Kiddikraft Learning Centre (KLC) is an award-winning children’s English language education centre. Founded in 1997, KLC’s programmes and courses are highly effective in enhancing student performance in reading, writing and speaking. Our goal is to help strengthen English skills in order for children to excel in school and beyond. The love of learning starts here.
The RWI Phonics Difference: Cultivating Confident Readers and Writers
You want the very best for your child. You understand that learning to read and write confidently at an early age will set them up for success in school and beyond. The question is, how do you provide them with that solid foundation? The answer lies in RWI Phonics.
RWI Phonics: A Groundbreaking Approach
This innovative programme begins in K1 by teaching pupils the fundamental building blocks of reading and writing in an enjoyable, engaging manner. Through interactive lessons, educational games, and hands-on activities, children learn phonetic sounds and how to blend them into words. Before you know it, your child will be reading simple books and writing sentences independently.
KiddiKraft English Learning Centre, Hong Kong
Category: Phonics, English Language Education
Target Audience: Children and young learners
KiddiKraft English Learning Centre is dedicated to providing top-notch English language education in Hong Kong. With a focus on Phonics, the centre aims to lay a strong foundation for reading and writing skills in children.
What Makes KiddiKraft Special?
Phonics-Based Approach: Utilizing the proven method of Phonics, KiddiKraft helps children understand the relationship between letters and sounds, making reading and spelling more accessible.
Phonics Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Language Mastery
Dive into our extensive guide on phonics education. Discover the methods, benefits, and unique strategies that make our approach stand out. Learn how our program can enhance language skills for all ages.