The RWI Phonics Difference: Cultivating Confident Readers and Writers

Introduction: Your Child's Path to Success

You want the very best for your child. You understand that learning to read and write confidently at an early age will set them up for success in school and beyond. The question is, how do you provide them with that solid foundation? The answer lies in RWI Phonics.

RWI Phonics: A Groundbreaking Approach

This innovative programme begins in K1 by teaching pupils the fundamental building blocks of reading and writing in an enjoyable, engaging manner. Through interactive lessons, educational games, and hands-on activities, children learn phonetic sounds and how to blend them into words. Before you know it, your child will be reading simple books and writing sentences independently.

RWI Phonics builds the skills and confidence that will transform your beginner reader into an independent bookworm. Your child's future as a lifelong learner starts here.

How RWI Phonics Cultivates Reading Fluency

The RWI Phonics programme teaches reading fluency through a multi-sensory approach.

1. Learning the 44 Phonetic Sounds

  • Pupils first learn the 31 phonetic sounds of the English language and the corresponding letters or letter groups representing each sound.

  • They start with the simplest sounds, like 's', 'a', and 't'. Then they progress to harder sounds.

2. Mastering the Art of Blending

  • Once the sounds are mastered, pupils move on to blending.

  • They learn to smoothly blend sounds together to read and pronounce words, starting with simple CVC words like 'cat', 'dog', and 'mop', before advancing to longer words.

  • With practice, blending becomes intuitive, and reading feels effortless.

3. Interactive Learning Materials

  • Using interactive materials like letter tiles, pupils physically manipulate letters to form words, reinforcing the connection between sounds and spelling.

4. Reading Aloud Every Day

  • Pupils also read aloud daily, gaining confidence with each new word and story.

  • Repeated reading of the same story or poem leads to remarkable fluency gains.

5. Writing as Part of the Journey

  • Writing is also integral to the process.

  • Pupils apply their knowledge of sounds and spelling to compose short sentences and stories.

  • Seeing the link between reading and writing in action motivates them to become independent readers and writers.

Conclusion: A Comprehensive, Systematic Approach

With a comprehensive, systematic approach, RWI Phonics develops key reading and writing skills in a fun, engaging way. Pupils thrive with positive reinforcement and a sense of achievement at every stage. The RWI Phonics programme is more than just a learning tool; it's a pathway to success, fostering a love for reading and writing that will last a lifetime.


Introduction to School Preparation Classes


KiddiKraft English Learning Centre, Hong Kong